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WIFI Product

ZLAN WIFI to serial port product, include WIFI core module, RS232/RS485 Wireless serial device server, industrial AP and so on. Can easily realize various serial device access to WIFI (IEEE802.11g/b/n) network. ZLAN WIFI product support using ZLVircom virtual port, the serial port upgrading do not need change original serial software.
Typical Application:
In medical area there often need transmitting data analyzed by medical devices such as hemodialyzer, foetus ECG monitor to computer through wifi way, by using ZLAN7142 can convert device serial data to wifi data, to realize data uploading on instruments.

RS232/RS485/RS422 to WIFI Wireless Serial Device Server


  • Support full duplex, high speed converting, and no packet lost.
  • Support TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP model, UDP multicast.
  • Support baud rate 1200~115200bps, data size 5~9bits, parity of None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space. Support CTS/RTS hardware flow control.
  • Equipped freely with our Windows Virtual Serial & Device Management Tool ZLVirCom. It supports virtual serial and can one-key searching ZLAN5103 or modifying parameters.
  • High protection of electromagnetic interference. With its high electromagnetic interference protection SECC external shell.
